Lisa Zickuhr, MD, MHPE from the Washington University School of Medicine Division of Rheumatology joined Irene Blanco, MD, MS from Albert Einstein School of Medicine Division of Rheumatology and Lisa Criscione-Schieber, MD, Med from Duke University School of Medicine Division of Rheumatology in the presentation, “How to Incorporate DEI into Your Fellows Program Curriculum,” at the American College of Rheumatology Education Exchange 2022, in Orlando, FL. Dr. Zickuhr reflected on her experiences incorporating the medical humanities into such programming and partnering with other disciplines and health professions to create the Health Equity Case Conference, while Dr. Blanco shared tips on how to cohesively integrate topics about diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout fellowship recruitment and the curriculum, while Dr. Criscione-Schieber discussed innovative approaches to Morbidity and Mortality Conferences and daily rounds that enhance education in these topics.