Achievements Awards

Washington University School of Medicine Rheumatologists, Dr. Amy Joseph and Dr. Deborah Parks Receive Honor from the American College of Rheumatology

Dr. Amy Joseph and Dr. Deborah Parks are being recognized as Masters of the American College of Rheumatology during ACR Convergence 2024. The award reflects Drs. Joseph and Parks’ outstanding contributions to the advancement of rheumatology.

Recognition as an ACR Master is one of the highest honors that the College bestows on its distinguished members. The designation of Master is conferred on ACR members, age 65 or older, who have made outstanding contributions to the field of rheumatology through scholarly achievement and/or service to their patients, students, and the rheumatology profession. These honorees have devoted their long careers to furthering rheumatology research and improving clinical standards in the treatment of rheumatic diseases.

Dr. Joseph earned her medical degree from Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in 1986 and went on to medicine residency at The Jewish Hospital. She completed a rheumatology fellowship at Washington University in 1992. Dr. Joseph has served as the Chief of Rheumatology Section at the St. Louis VA Medical Center since 2000. In that position she has worked tirelessly to render the best care to our veterans. In addition to her role as Chief of Rheumatology, Dr. Joseph has acted as the VA site director for the Washington University Rheumatology Training Program. Dr. Joseph has also served in several leadership positions within the VA system including Assistant Chief of Medicine (2013-2022) and Acting Chief of Medicine, VA St. Louis Health Care System (2012-2013). In addition, she chaired the St. Louis VA Administrative Board of Investigation (2006), the St. Louis VA Bylaws and Nominations Committee (2010-2011), the St. Louis VA Complex Medical Case Committee (2013-2015), and the St. Louis VA Workforce Committee (2019-present) among many other committees. At the national level, Dr. Joseph serves on the National VA Rheumatology Field Advisory Board Member (2009-present), the VA Rheumatology Consortium Meeting Planning Committee Member (2016-present), and the VA Rheumatology Specialty Consultative Group (2022-present). Her leadership at the St. Louis VA Medical Center earned her the 2010 St. Louis VA Outstanding Scholar Award and the 2015 VA St. Louis Medical Staff Award.

Dr. Parks matriculated at Washington University as a Chancellor’s Scholar and went on to complete her medical degree at University of Louisville Medical School where she was elected to the AOA chapter in 1981. Dr. Parks returned to Saint Louis for her medicine residency at Barnes Hospital. After a fellowship in Rheumatology, Dr. Parks joined Barnes Hospital Medical Staff and the Maryland Medical group in 1988 where she remained until 2011. In 2011, Dr. Parks returned Washington University full-time as clinical professor of medicine in the Division of Rheumatology to devote more time to teaching and mentoring trainees and re-immersing herself in the school’s academic mission. Since rejoining the WUSM Division of Rheumatology, Dr. Parks has started several educational initiatives.  She spearheaded the musculoskeletal ultrasound immersion course in 2012 for Pediatric and Adult Rheumatology fellows with the addition of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PMR) residents in 2019. She initiated the first musculoskeletal ultrasound workshop at SOTA for fellows-in-training (FIT) in 2017 that was repeated and expanded in 2018. She also oversaw a national online training program for Rheumatology fellows from 2018-2021. To address the issue of provider shortage in rheumatology, Dr. Parks submitted and obtained a grant from Independent Grants for Learning and Change to initiate a training program for nurse practitioners in musculoskeletal medicine. The ENRICH (Education of Nurse Practitioners in Rheumatology with Certificate Initiative), funded in 2019, is the first musculoskeletal NP program of its kind. Dr. Parks has also served in several leadership positions within the Barnes-Jewish Hospital System: she was the President of Barnes Hospital Society (1995-96), BJC Leadership Team, Co-Chairman BJC (2000) and President of the Barnes Jewish Hospital Medical Staff Association (2009-2010). Dr. Parks was selected in 2022 to serve on the ACR Board of Directors as a member-at-large.

The ACR recognizes leading researchers, clinicians, mentors, and other professionals exhibiting superior commitment to the advancement of rheumatology with the Awards of Distinction honors.

The ACR’s Membership and Awards Committee, a joint committee composed of both ACR and ARP volunteers, reviews all nomination submissions. Nominees are considered for an award based on criteria that range from their academic and scholarly representation to their rheumatology service record both inside and outside the College.


In other ACR news:

Dr. Christine Pham has been appointed to the ACR Division Director Committee (2024-2027) and Dr. Reema Syed has been appointed to the ACR Committee on Global Engagement as a Member-at-Large (2024-2027).